(The Sound of) One Man Clapping

Hey all. Welcome to my little experimentation of making my musings about life, love and the nature of the universe available to everyone and everything with an IP address. Here you will find my thoughts on everything and anything that feeds into the ocean of my mind, passes through the chaotic maelstrom of my sub-conscience and finds safe passage through the tumultuous straits of my waking consciousness.

You’ll get to read about my kids; but you won’t get your typical Dad Blog trope here. Love and Relationships? Yup, that also… but more than likely you’ll get to know about the trials, tribulations and joys of being polyamorous and the hard road of discovery to get here. Music; Check. Drumming and performing. Check; check! Motorcycles, riding and gear? Definitely!  All that and a steady dosage of rants, ravings and otherwise random discussions of what is on my mind when I have time to post.

Who am I? Well I am a mid-forties male that has gone through my fair share of life. A life not much different from yours (or yours). I have three kids, a divorce, a decent paying job, house in the ‘burbs and hobbies. I’m also the person that sat down a few years ago and started a deep introspection of myself, my flaws, my wants, my needs and my goals. Why? Because I had reached that point in life that I didn’t want to hurt people anymore; especially myself. & in order to do so, I had to figure out who I was at the time and what I needed to do to make myself a better person.

Am I succeeding? I’d like to think so. I think when you are honest with yourself, it’s a lot easier to be honest with other people. In turn, life and relationships (in all forms) get better. But you can be the judge yourself if I am succeeding or not. Since this blog will be a little self reflection and self documentation of my journey in life; you can let me know how I’m doing.

In return, I hope you can and will find something here that may help you in your journey through the chaos of life; even if it’s just a realization that you’re not alone in the bad and the good that comes our way.

So pour yourself a strong one (I suggest on the rocks, too many calories in mixers), buckle in and hope you can swim! Thanks for joining me and I hope you brought the bottle with you.

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