Rant from my Recent Trip: Written Friday Feb 12, 2016

We’re on a trip. 3 kids and myself spent over 8 hours driving through the great state of Texas. Yes, 8 hours of driving time averaging 80 mph and we never crossed into another state or country. Texas IS big; But that’s not what I’m writing about today.

So I’ve made this trip back home countless times. It’s not about ‘taking your time and seeing what’s along the way’ for me anymore. It’s about “get the ‘ell out’a my way” and getting there as quick as we can so we can spend quality time with family.

To wit, if we’re driving down a crowded two lane interstate, and you are in the left lane trying to pass someone, DO NOT pass at an annoying (to the rest of us behind you) +1 mph that than the vehicle you are passing! Along the same vein, If you’re in the left lane doing the speed limit or under and there is a line of cars trying to go faster, “get the ‘ell out’a the way”!

Don’t be that smug self-righteous ass-hat that feels you need to slow everyone down to the speed limit! You can be the cause of accidents, injuring someone and potentially cause the loss of someone’s life! If you haven’t noticed, the flow of traffic on the left lane of a highway/interstate/etc will find a happy point where everyone is going at a speed everyone if fairly comfortable with. Most of the time on Texas Interstates, this speed IS faster than the speed limit.

When you attempt to pass at a snails pace or just decide to do the speed limit or slower in the left lane, you force people to slow down, most of the time suddenly. When this happens, it starts a chain reaction of feet stepping on the brake pedal that could result in an accident!


Texas (& other states) have a law that basically says:
“The Texas Department of Transportation shall put up signs that say “Left Lane for Passing Only” whenever the department needs to replace signs that say “Slower Traffic Keep Right.”

The legislation in effect requires slower traffic to travel in a lane other than the left lane. Signs can be placed only on highways with more than one lane traveling in the same direction.””

While the law/signs don’t give speed demons “a license to speed”, I have been told by a DPS officer, they are not going to worry if the flow of traffic is over the speed limit. What they will concern themselves with are drivers acting in an unsafe manner.

Impeding traffic and causing people to slam their brake pedals can be unsafe!


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