What’s happened to us?

Hey all. I’m still working on some words… there’s a lot to sift through, organize and write about. But I had some thoughts tonight while working on my motorcycle (prepping for a trip with Darla to ride the Talimena Skyway… Yes, Darla, Diana is no longer in the picture… but more on that in a later post)

So back to my thoughts… I’m perusing Facebook (necessary evil and guilty pleasure/time waster) and for the record, I try my best to not have my FB wall be an echo chamber of my own ideology. Unless I unfriend or block someone continually posting toxic and vile spew, there is a wide spectrum of political and religious viewpoints that come across my feed. I find it helps me see what other people think and believe so I can try to understand them better and in turn, be more accepting and tolerant.

Anyway, If you haven’t heard yet, Netflix has signed a multi-million dollar and multi-year contract with the Obama’s for a new show. Apparently this has stirred the ire of a very Republican/Conservative former coworker who shared the following post from a Right-Winged political site: Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, text
with the text:
“Paying $14/month to watch the Obamas on my television? HELL NO!”
(I won’t get into the hypocrisy of Obama bashing by Republicans and Conservatives and save us all a headache.)

When I see this, the first thought that ran through my head was, “Who cares?”. Then, “Why would you boycott Netflix over one show?” Well, apparently this FB friend cared and would. OK, let’s go to the comments and see what other people are saying about it; maybe even say something to the effect that if you don’t like it, don’t watch it; move on with your life; be happy and don’t waste the energy over it. (& I did post “Or you could choose not to watch it and enjoy the other entertainment they provide. Just saying.” (I never said tact was my strong suit))

Well, the comments from their friend group that followed were of the opinion that they would cancel Netflix (shocker). Even worse, were the comments on the political site itself; but we’ll let that be. Only one person of the many of their friend group liked my comment.

So to the point, When did we become so polarized as a country and as people that we can’t even have the decency to just let things be anymore? It’s ok to not agree with something and move on. Don’t like the Obama’s, fine. I don’t care if you do or don’t. And truthfully, why should you care if they have a show or not? You can chose not to watch it and move on with your life and watch other shows on Netflix. There are many shows and celebrities I despise; guess what? I’m not cancelling Netflix to spite them; too much other good entertainment I choose to watch and I can easily ignore the ones I don’t want to.

Tolerance and Understanding. These are virtues we can’t lose sight of as a country, society and people. Especially in these times where it’s apparently become ‘acceptable’ to hate again. Make a difference in your own life and circle. If you come across something that doesn’t quite match with your belief or ideology (& it’s not truly hurting someone), let it be; or better yet, strive to learn and under stand it better. In the end, you may still not agree with it, but you’ll then have the knowledge and experience to better understand others that do.

Go forth and be a better person.